So, while my Sensu art project is being finalised and the artwork being submitted, I am tentatively beginning idea-boards for the next playing card project, along with picking up my writing and other pursuits. As suggested, the next project is most likely going to be based around puzzles and riddles. Some of you may know that I have published books of an original kind of riddle that I call ‘linguistic riddles’ that I created myself over years, and I founded and used to run a very large channel for sharing conundrums and head-scratchers.
Here I will be posting riddles but also opening the floor to brainstorming concepts and ways to integrate puzzles and riddles into the deck in a cohesive and narrative driven way. I will still create the artwork within my nonsense literary world of anthropomorphised animals - and will still incorporate my cultural focuses. So I need to find ways to make all these elements work harmoniously.
First (very general) open discussion: considering the above, do you have any suggestions?
Feel free to get involved and discuss any ideas. There are no bad ideas, but please understand I will not necessarily use your idea directly or otherwise.
And of course, a nice little puzzle game this time around. I ran these before on my channel as well and the rules are the same for anyone who was a participant there - 20 Questions. Collectively you have 20 questions to guess what character I am. It can be real or not, human or not, but will be a well-known and unique character. Please discuss your questions among yourselves, and I will only answer questions with at least one ‘like’ to prove consensus. Your job is to work together harmoniously. Good luck, and, WHO AM I?
…and (unrelated to the game) what am I?