Edge-printing in progress for Tails of Mischief.
This is a post...about the mushrooms
There are mushrooms….everywhere.
A Momentous Moment
Dear everyone and all included,
It is my absolute pleasure to announce that we have just launched on the Patreon platform. And thank you everyone who has already signed up and climbed on board for the journey - I am humbled and honoured to lift anchor with you!
Explore my world on Patreon
Choose between two tiers
Become a Patron - you can expect to be intrigued by the story-telling of worlds around which there are various novels, novellas, poems and beyond, of characters that cross between written works to hand-draw art playing cards, prints, and many more visual mediums. But you won't just see the art, I'm eager to share insights on all the facets including those that I don't talk about elsewhere, from the original interactive art piece music centred on the Japanese Shakuhachi flute, to the charitable activities that support animal rescue and adoption - you will see both my real world activities here in Japan, and the nonsensical, fantastical world as we journey through it.
Become a Fellow Adventurer - Don't just peer through the looking-glass, but step into the wardrobe with me. Join me on the adventure and receive the above access to behind-the-scenes progress as well as the ability to help shape where each project goes and take home pieces of each project along the way.
Exclusive to 20 backers (in first year) opens on 1st April and closes 31st December.
(First year pay only 10 months for the benefits of 12).
Welcome to my Patreon, come even deeper into Clocktown and the Coney Rabbits, to the island of Hotsu where the Nenya cats live and the Nazo Nazo guest house is hidden; welcome to me and my worlds.
Intriguing Announcement
Dear All and everyone else,
We’ve an adventure to go on
Thank you everyone for your kind feedback and comments on social media and media groups. I’m happy to announce that, from your feedback, I have decided to launch a Patreon page that will go live on 1st April – a day of whimsy is mischief.
If you want to see more about the projects as they progress, if you want to even help direct the paths they take, if you want to hear about the custom Shakuhachi music I am collaboratively composing and get more insight into the interactive video game I am collaboratively building for this world, if you want to read about the lore that spans the Nazo Nazo and beyond that has been in development for years across multiple un-released novels and more, then it would be my pleasure to share all this with you, and go on this adventure together.
I look forward to the next steps in our journey.
Puzzle Makers
Here is a small puzzle for you - a creative puzzle that should challenge you and also let you really make a valuable and significant contribution to the direction of the next project.
How can all 54 cards in a deck be sequenced to create an interesting puzzle with a solution?
Possible ideas:
The cards all together spell out a word/phrase in some way. Using the sequence of their numbers?
The numbers in each line (9 by 6 [9 across, 6 down in layout]) spell a word/phrase (total 6 words/phrases to make a sentence)?
The numbers in sequence create some code?
The number in each line (9 by 6 [9 across, 6 down in layout]) add to a final number, create 6 final numbers for each line, that has some meaning to be interpreted.
Reference grid to help
Reminder - numbers available are 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A (where J,Q,K have a value of 10 OR 11,12,13 respectively, and A has a value of 11 OR 1).
Note - This is a discussion. A platform to throw ideas around. We can take other’s concepts and build on them and decide together the most interesting and satisfying approach to take.
Marking Pips
So, I’ve been gathering feedback. Here are the sort of font styles we are looking at now.
Question 1 - Which style appeals most to you? 1 is a culmination of other feedback and ideas. 2 and 3 are the original styles along with their source ‘inspiration’ fonts. 4 is a quirky one that can be read by tilting your head to the left.
Questions 2 - In the first style, which Q do you prefer? The first is inspired by the default type, second and third original, made to appear more in-keeping with Japanese text and perhaps less ‘gimmicky’.
And a riddle for you (try to solve it before peeking and don’t forget the spoiler blocks).
A means to bake a cake; just sing.
A way to downward clean a thing.
A way, still down, to make it flat.
A postman with a two-toned cat.
A manner calms or says well done and thwack,
On head and back.
Riddle Answer A Pat
Marking the Cards
Okay, so here is another visual puzzle along with the most completed concept work for one of the new card designs. Your tasks:
There are three visual puzzles hidden in the card (one of them is Japanese) - find what you can
Tell me which suit pip/marking style you prefer
For the pip/marking, my concern is getting a style that suits the Japanese whimsical theme, but that doesn’t come across as gimmicky or childish. These will still be beautiful pieces of art (despite this scene here). The first option here is the classic font style, the second two are new options I am exploring. It does not have to be one of these three.
Riddle Me On
Another little linguistic brain teaser. Some of you are new to these, so I am actually posting the preface of my first riddle book published by Amazon, so that you can learn to become more familiar with the style also.
Reminder for spoiler blocks:
Write < spoiler > your text < / spoiler >
For instance < spoiler > Hello < / spoiler >
Without any spaces in the angle brackets.
Next Concepts
While working hard on Sensu proofing, printing processes and logistics, I am beginning to play with the concepts and artwork feel for the deck that will be built over then next year or two - themed around puzzles. I intend to include at least 55 but perhaps closer to 100 puzzles/riddles within the deck. Here are the first three for you to work out.
You Answers
Please do answer these in the comments! I look forward to seeing if you can crack them. And please don’t forget to use spoiler blocks. Type <spoiler> before your text, and </spoiler> at the end.
Your Feedback
I’m liking the pallet in part but not entirely yet. Thoughts?
The first 54 puzzles will be one on each card, following a similar structure as these. Thoughts?
Once you’ve worked these out, and understand what I’m doing, you are welcome to make suggestions. I need 52 in this manner, and of course will be selecting what inspires me, but also what I think can be done effectively.
Riddle Me Strong
So, while my Sensu art project is being finalised and the artwork being submitted, I am tentatively beginning idea-boards for the next playing card project, along with picking up my writing and other pursuits. As suggested, the next project is most likely going to be based around puzzles and riddles. Some of you may know that I have published books of an original kind of riddle that I call ‘linguistic riddles’ that I created myself over years, and I founded and used to run a very large channel for sharing conundrums and head-scratchers.
Here I will be posting riddles but also opening the floor to brainstorming concepts and ways to integrate puzzles and riddles into the deck in a cohesive and narrative driven way. I will still create the artwork within my nonsense literary world of anthropomorphised animals - and will still incorporate my cultural focuses. So I need to find ways to make all these elements work harmoniously.
First (very general) open discussion: considering the above, do you have any suggestions?
Feel free to get involved and discuss any ideas. There are no bad ideas, but please understand I will not necessarily use your idea directly or otherwise.
And of course, a nice little puzzle game this time around. I ran these before on my channel as well and the rules are the same for anyone who was a participant there - 20 Questions. Collectively you have 20 questions to guess what character I am. It can be real or not, human or not, but will be a well-known and unique character. Please discuss your questions among yourselves, and I will only answer questions with at least one ‘like’ to prove consensus. Your job is to work together harmoniously. Good luck, and, WHO AM I?
…and (unrelated to the game) what am I?
A New Day
It has been a while since I have posted here. But it is time to renew this blog and how it functions. I will use this blog to create a community. I will continue to post regular riddles for you all the muddle through and talk over, I will post progress of new projects focussing largely but not limited to art playing cards, and I will listen to your feedback here, so that through this blog you can work with me and help shape the creations I produce.
As such, this blog will only grow, get more of my attention, and have greater influence on my projects if you get involved more, frequently check back and are engaged, and tell others about it. Have your say in my nonsensical, whimsical world, have a constant window to peer at it through, and help shape projects dedicated to the environment and animal welfare.
The First Riddle of this new stage
First of all, allow me to explain my riddles. They come in two parts, the first, oddly enough, is to find the answer. The second, is to explain it. As with everything, all of my world in backwards and my riddles are no different. Each is full of metaphoric, cultural and, most importantly, linguistic clues. You may have an idea for the answer, but you need to check it by yourself by seeing if all the clues do naturally relate back to the same conclusion. If not, start again. If most do, then you must riddle through how the rest do also. Let us try.
What is held when you’ve attention,
What is set for next you mention
Frightful thing! It starts a deer,
but ends with what will kill all, we’re
Dividing life up into hoods
and round and thrust in steel or woods.
Following is the answer. Do not click it until you are confident. This is an honour system. If you are daring enough, post your answer in the comments before looking using spoiler blocks (see below). Do not look and then post the answer in the comments - this would ruin the mental exercise for others.
Riddle Answer A Stage
Riddle Explanation
What is held when you’ve attention - To hold the stage
What is set for next - To set the stage for something
You mention frightful thing! - Stage fright
It starts a deer - Stag
But ends with what will kill all - Age
We’re dividing life up into hoods - Stages of life (childhood, adulthood)
And round and thrust - Types of stage (e.g. a theatre in the round)
In steel or woods - Most stages are made of…
Reminder for spoiler blocks:
<spoiler>Your Text</spoiler>
Click the Title to open comments
Hey All,
Yesterday was my birthday so I was away with my family - but more importantly, this weekend is my son’s first birthday! So making some nice plans for that. I hope you’re well, and so here we are discussing celebrations! What is your favourite celebration?
Here’s a simply puzzling one I wrote right now, just for you. Try not to peek until you’ve thought long and hard and given your guess below (spoiler blocks apply as always)!
What counts alone but also counts for all?
What is a finger, line, or single scrawl?
What, when it’s bottom falls off, is then left on
the top is always me, though rulers come and gone.
Riddle Answer One
Riddle Explanation
What counts alone but also counts for all? - one means singular but also all people (one scratches one’s head when confused).
What is a finger, line, or single scrawl? - different ways to show ‘one’.
What, when it’s bottom falls off, is then left on - remove the ‘e’ and it becomes ‘on’.
left on the top is always me, though rulers come and gone. - there can only be one on the top.
I think the riddle here is a nice thinker - though not one of my best. Rushing to write while taking care of family, but still enjoy!
Comments including your own content are always welcome but even if you’re a lurker, a simple hello or comment on how devilish my riddles are is appreciated as it lets me know how many are watching.
I look forward to this new age with you! And do invite friends and family to join us here too!
Reminder for spoiler blocks:
Write < spoiler > your text < / spoiler >
For instance < spoiler > Hello < / spoiler >
Without any spaces in the angle brackets.
A New Age
Dear All,
Welcome! So this’ll probably take a little trial-and-error and getting-use-to but I’m glad to have you here - the functionality is a little lost from the community channel but the switch shouldn’t be difficult as this is Disqus powered.
Only I can make posts here, but you are free to comment on my posts with content, riddles of your own, puzzles and brain teasers.
I don’t know if I can ‘recommend’ posts so I’ll probably try to set up a schedule (at least once a week). Also here I don’t think there’s a week deadline so comments can continue indefinitely - I believe. But I know from experience it can be hard to know when someone has replied to an old post of yours, so don’t be offended if someone doesn’t respond and you can always politely remind them.
As with the channel, I won’t sensor or monitor much, but I never had to as we’re here to enjoy ourselves and stretch our minds. But please remember that not only is this available to anyone from all over the world and of any age, but also this is now on my business website - so I may have to be firmer if someone posts content that could damage my name/work/business.
And, as we flesh out how the community will use this blog, feel free to make suggestions and discuss (disqus?) with me possibilities to improve it.
That’s all for now, so let’s get started with an original riddle I write as I’m waiting to begin my first class.
I measure a symbolic time,
A period defined, and I’m
A mixed up name for what you hear
With-in me commonly’s two thousands years.
Try not to peek until you’ve thought long and hard and given your guess below (spoiler blocks apply as always)!
Riddle Answer An Era
Riddle Explanation
‘I measure a symbolic time, A period defined’ - a literal definition
‘and I’m A mixed up name for what you hear With’ - an ‘ear’
‘With-in me commonly’s two thousands years’ - the common era (now 2,019 years young).
Comments including your own content are always welcome but even if you’re a lurker, a simple hello or comment on how devilish my riddles are is appreciated as it lets me know how many are watching.
I look forward to this new age with you! And do invite friends and family to join us here too!
Reminder for spoiler blocks:
Write < spoiler > your text < / spoiler >
For instance < spoiler > Hello < / spoiler >
Without any spaces in the angle brackets.
Welcome Disqussers
Quick post to let you comment here and make sure it’s all working. No bells and whistles for now.
put me in the stop the sound
upon your bottom’s where I’m found
Website Remodelled!
It's been a while posting here as I've been updating and remodelling my website. Take a look at the new content! Explore the new animal portrait collection from my Instagram page. Peruse my newly opened shop, and enjoy all the fresh nonsensical whimsy.
Always feel free to get in touch, so comment here, on my Facebook page, Instagram page, or by email through the contact page. I look forward to hearing from you!
Riddle Me Oft
If you've oft the answer but know not what to do, press the title and do it below.
So many kinds; swim hardly soft
And with the soldiers marching oft;
I'm jumbled, mixed and much confused
So run away; you hunt me, used
The back gate, snuck, and got me wrongful;
Beat me, you must break a songful.
'So many kinds, swim hardly soft? Are you sweet?'
'But I'm not a sweet.'
Riddle Answer An Egg
Riddle Explanation
so many kinds; swim hardly soft and with the soldiers marching oft - a hard or soft boiled egg, often served with soldiers.
I'm jumbled, mixed and much confused so run away - a scrambled egg.
run away; you hunt me, used the back gate, snuck, and got me wrongful - a poached egg.
beat me, you must break a songful - you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
Renaissance Rabbit
Foundation work done for the first piece in the European Renaissance series of rabbits. This is a dual series to go along with the Eastern/Japanese series of cats. Further posts on my Instagram page at jack_brutus_penny.
Riddle Me Pout
I've you've an idea, don't just pout, click on the title and let it out.
I'm up, or just as bad, I'm out,
You may be two me, losers pout
But just as bad's to waste me so
Know any, I just ask and go
To help, for it's a cruel man if he
Can't give the one day's me.
'I'm usually up, and often out, is this riddle finally actually about me?'
'No, and I never understand why to insist on staying up out of reach yet always want me to join you.'
'come closer.'
Riddle Answer Time
Riddle Explanation
I'm up, or just as bad, I'm out - time up, or time out.
you may be two me, losers pout - a two time loser.
but just as bad's to waste me so - a waste of time.
so know any, I just ask and go - any time.
for it's a cruel man if he can't give the one day's me - to not give anyone the time of day.
Woodblock-print Cat III
The final stage, where I add the designs on the kimono and in this case the hair accessories. See this post and more on my Instagram page at jack_brutus_penny.
Riddle Me After
If you wish the leave the answer after you've had it, click on the title and do so below.
It all goes flying after me,
First bad then comes the good, money's
Around as if no bank can break,
There flies a name for naming's sake,
And flies a ruder, bitter word,
That's caught when it is heard.
'I wish things came flying after me.'
'I like to eat flying things.'
Riddle Answer A Throw
Riddle Explanation
first bad then comes the good, money's - to throw good money after bad.
money's around as if no bank can break - to throw money around.
there flies a name for naming's sake - to throw a name around.
and flies a ruder, bitter word - to throw insults.