Riddle Me Hid

If you've been naughty and have an idea to confess, click the title and relieve it below.

I'm naughty so you keep me hid,

And what to you the mean dog did

So take its hair and drink it down

Oddly the midge, for its their ha, I frown;

It didn't hurt, it just hurt me,

A little, or in me soon be.

'This one's easy!'
'It's me!'
'Ah, that's not why I keep you hidden.'


Riddle Answer A Bit


Riddle Explanation
I'm naughty so you keep me hid - one's naughty bits.

what to you the mean dog did so take its hair and drink it down - hair of the dog that bit you, an expression that explains when what causes the ailment acts as the remedy, such as alcohol for a hangover. The expressions comes from the old practice of helping dog-bites by putting the burnt hair of the dog on the wound.

oddly the midge - a mosquito bite, or as the mosquito bit, an odd expression considering they suck.

for its their ha, I - habit.

it didn't hurt, it just hurt me, a little - a little bit.

a little, or in me soon be - in a little bit.