Riddle Me Cajoled

Cajoled or not, if you've any wit, click the title and leave it.

I'm in on it, and take control,

You're out of it for I cajoled

And shocked you seize as currents flow,

No sparks it starts from where you know

They'll hear, or else they'll surely see, slowly;

Don't move a me!

'You're in but I'm out? You're big but I'm small? You're strong but I'm weak?'
'And I'll never let you forget it.'
'Forget this, I'm going back to last week's blackberry crumble.'


Riddle Answer A Muscle


Riddle Explanation
I'm in on it, and take control - muscle in on something.

you're out of it for I cajoled - muscle someone out of something.

they'll hear, or else they'll surely see, slowly; don't move a me! - don't move a muscle.